Sunday, August 16, 2009

how to make money fast

how to make money fast
If you can remember when you were just a little kid, you may remember having a lemonaid stand. This was done to make money. It's a very natural thing for kids to understand that if they provide a service that people want, that they can make money.
Most people as they grow older lose this ability.
If you are in need of some fast money here are some tasks that you can do.
Offer to Mow the lawn
Offer Shovel/Snowplow the Driveways
Offer to garden, landscape, mulch, pick up sticks, cut down trees or other housecare.
Earn money for other services (be creative!)
Offer to advertiose for a company through wearing their logos
Offer to sell a space on your body for a tatoo logo (supposedly some companies pay thousands of dollars).
Find out the details of how to do any of these and offer to teach a friend if h'll give you a share of the profits.
Sell your stuff, gold, etc
Make some sort of crafts and sell them.

These are all ways that will get you cash very quickly. However, if you have the time, it's much more practical, and you may earn more in the long run, fi you can really learn how to make money online.

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